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Wing Man Chan

Wing Man Chan

Hometown: Hong Kong

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

A day to celebrate my identity and the growing status of women in the world and the industry. Knowing the theme each year goes from embracing basic rights for women in the beginning to taking up important roles, I am fascinated and very proud.

What woman inspires you and why?

The first name that came up to my mind is a Taiwanese writer named Sanmao or Echo Chen Ping. I remember reading her book, Stories of the Sahara, when I was 11. I felt overwhelmed by the idea of moving to the other half of the Earth, away from family and not being able to communicate fluently. The more I read into the book, however, the more appreciation I grew for her. It was a very bold decision to make and she had the courage to overcome all difficulties she was facing as a foreigner in the Sahara Desert. She really put lots of effort in the name of exploring the beauty and possibility of what life can be. Sanmao inspired me to step outside of my comfort zone. Instead of thinking “I will do this one day, just not now,” it should be “To do this one day, I better start preparing for it now.” I want to be able to tell my stories one day and be proud of the actions I have taken to accomplish different goals in life.

Why did you choose to study architecture?

I think I became interested in architecture and design since I was a primary school student. My father is both an architect and an interior designer. When I was around Primary Two, which is 2nd grade in the US, he brought me to his firm for a tour. At that time, I was curious about his job. When I entered his office, I was stunned. The picture was absolutely breathtaking! Everything was novel to me. Floor plans and models of different buildings were all around the office. Renderings of different buildings his team designed are hanging on the wall. There are tons of bookshelves full of books about different architects.

Growing up, I am that kid that spends the majority of my day reading. His company just seems like a big library to me and I remembered thinking those models were toys. I nearly broke one of them. I kept wandering around and asking my dad millions of questions about his job. From then on, I grew an interest in building design. I started to watch TV programs about architecture and interior design. That tour paved my way to dream of being an architect and hence, I chose to study architecture when I graduated from secondary school in Hong Kong.

Why should women and girls pursue an education in the architecture, design, or construction management industry? Why is it important to encourage women and girls?

I think we can all agree that architecture, design, and CM industries are essential and are related to shaping the setup of a living environment. In the architecture field, as we all said, designs should be user-centered. Having the majority of designers being male, there is a lack of viewpoint and opinion regarding female users’ experience in a design. As simple as a restroom design, women and girls would know better about what elements should be included because we are the users. Having women and girls entering these industries, I believe would bring a more considerate and well-rounded design process in general for the industry.

What’s something interesting you’re currently working on? Personal or academic.

Academically, I am working on public space design for Hong Kong. It is the type of space that is lacking in Hong Kong. I have come across different research that makes me know more about where I grew up and how I should approach the design. I believe that urban planning should be done because of users’ need or improvement for the environment, not just to fulfill a standard and financial goal set up by the authorized body. Sadly, that’s what is happening in Hong Kong. Generating revenue comes before everything else.

Personally, I have been learning roller skating. I was never good at any sports activities that have wheels involved. With the pandemic, I have a lot more time to keep trying!

What do you think is the biggest issue today facing women of your age?

I think the biggest issue today facing women of my age has to be self-appreciation. Social Media platforms always portray unrealistic images of what beauty is and convincing women of the most important measure of our value is the look. The fact is that our look shouldn’t be the only standard to judge if a woman is outstanding. I remember watching a video about adjectives media uses to describe male and female celebrities. While most of the terms used on a man are related to their ability, like hard-working and smart, females are often complimented for their looks, like being elegant or beautiful. Of course, we can be proud of our physique, but there should be much more beyond the look that we should appreciate, whether it is our sports ability, ability to write, ability to design, etc. There are so many characteristics and good values of each of us that we should recognize and be proud of.

What has you most excited about the future?

Personally, I am really excited about what I would have accomplished 10 years from now if I become an architect, and of the number of items I have checked off from my bucket list. I am also looking forward to how technology would evolve to benefit users and help to make our daily life more convenient.

On International Women’s Day, what is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their education?

Whatever you have in mind to achieve, just go for it. Every accomplishment and achievement started small somewhere.

Stephen Marucut

Hometown: Bay Area, California

Why did you choose to study interior architecture & design?

Art, drawing, and creativity interested me at a young age. In my pre-teens, I would attempt to recreate Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” and “The Last Supper.” I was fascinated with its hidden geometry. This fascination also led me to drawing figures and scenes from Greek and Roman mythology. I would hand draw the “Parthenon, Temple the Athena.” As I drew more buildings, I became interested in how the Greeks and Romans designed their architecture. I was intrigued with how the people used these spaces in those times. My fascination then led me to Frank Lloyd Wright’s design of “Fallingwater” in Pennsylvania. The concrete limestone-concrete home entwined with the waterfall made the piece marriage of nature and Wright’s vision and philosophy. Frank Lloyd Wright’s interiors were also linear and made use of the interior space and natural materials available in the area. Fast forward to current my current inspiration, the late Dame Zaha Hadid. Her fluid and curvature style, which also incorporates functional abstract interior spaces in her designs. She is one of many designers that inspire me to push my own creativity in Architectural Interior Design.

What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?

I was searching for a personalized educational experience and the small classroom size encouraged comradery with the studio-style learning at NewSchool. I sought a learning experience tailored by professionals with a multitude of practice. I found the curriculum challenging and it also challenges me to design, “Outside the box.”

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?

The Studio classes that invoke my creativity.

What are your career goals after you graduate?

My career goals after I graduate are to practice what I have learned in an architecture company and then use my experience to open a business of my own. I also plan to obtain my architecture license.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Something that people would be surprised to learn about me is that I have complete a 20-year career in training and management.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Know what you want. Believe in yourself. Focus and go for it. Keep like-minded people in your circle. Work!

Why should a prospective student choose NewSchool?

If you are searching for a personalized educational experience and with small class sizes that encourages comradery with the studio-style learning, NewSchool has all these features plus a learning experience tailored by professionals with a multitude of practice.

Stephen’s Favorite Class Project

Cheeky Bastard Ales | First Year Interior Architecture & Design Project

Instructor: Dario Miticocchio

Click here to check it out!

Sovanarry Phy

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

Why did you pick your major and what do you want to do with your degree?

I went back to school because I wanted to learn how to create eco-focused designs. However, now I am realizing that I also have a passion for urban design and hope I can do both of my interests in the future.

What makes NewSchool special?

The small classes are great because there is more communication between the student and professor. For example, my thesis advisors Vuslat Demircay, Michael Stepner, and Joe F. Kennedy has always made time for me when I needed guidance.

What has been your favorite class? Why?

It was the City Planning Class, taught by Brian Mooney. I never knew how much thought went into the urban perspective and was literally blown away after I took this class.

Where is your favorite spot on campus?


What do you plan to do after graduation?

Continue my career at FPBA and compete all my tests required to get my license.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I grew up playing sports and enjoy playing football.

What advice do you have for aspiring architects?

The beauty of being a student is that we have no ties with any company and this makes it easier to meet other professionals. Use this as an opportunity to establish connections and learn from them.

We hear that your thesis project has received a lot of attention! Tell us more about the project, your background, and why you picked this topic.

The Salton Sea is drying up with potential catastrophic environmental and health impacts for Southern California. My thesis is about exploring the use of Eco-tourism as a tool to increase awareness of the sea and the environmental issues as a means to get people working towards solutions. I chose this because this issue has been going on for years now, yet no one is talking about it. Even though I may not know where this project will lead me in the future, I am just hoping to inspire others in order to make a change.

Sofia Medina

Hometown: San Diego, California

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a reminder of the progress we have made with gender equality, and the progress that remains to be made. To me, International Women’s Day is about recognizing and honoring the many achievements the women in my life and all women around the world have made. As a woman in Construction, it is important to raise awareness of the need for gender equity. I hope to break the male-dominant stigma that comes along with working in the Construction industry. I strive to overcome any challenges that I face, bring a new perspective, and empower women throughout this industry. I find it inspiring and motivating to see the success of my female colleagues. Being a woman means being strong, hardworking, independent, successful, and capable.

What woman inspires you and why?

A woman that inspires me is Tasha Turner. She is a Project Engineer at Balfour Beatty. I worked alongside her on three middle school renovation projects last summer during my internship. She inspires me because she is a successful and strong woman in this industry. She managed two jobs, one at Balfour Beatty, and another outside job along with working on her Master’s degree and juggling her personal life. She was a role model and a mentor to me last summer throughout my internship, and still is to this day. Tasha is very intelligent, kind, and organized. She was always there to help with absolutely anything I needed, answered any and all of my thousands of questions, and was very thorough with teaching me what I needed to know. She motivates me to continue my education and begin my career as a Project Engineer.

Why did you choose to study construction management?

My father has been in the construction industry for over 30 years as an Independent Contractor. Growing up he would take me to work with him during the summers and I would sit and watch him work for hours. Some may think that this might have been a boring or mundane thing to do, but I was mesmerized by the work he did. I enjoyed seeing how everything came together, piece by piece, and watching the progress of the projects over time. I would always ask if I could help, and loved the hands-on experience that it brought. He would drive me by old projects that he had completed years before and point out to me that he helped work on it. The pride he had seeing those completed projects as buildings that were still being used to this day is something that I will never forget. I have always been very intrigued by the building process, but had never thought of it as something I would do in my future until just a few years ago. After attending San Francisco State University for Biology, I felt the need to change my career path because I was not passionate about that subject and could not see myself working in that industry. I was first introduced to NewSchool through my brother, who is a NewSchool graduate and who also studied Construction Management. I saw how happy and successful he was with his career. He would come home after work and tell me stories about the projects he was working on. Every time he spoke about it I thought to myself that this is something that I am interested in, and something that I could be successful doing as well. I was inspired by his success and decided that I wanted to do the same. I transferred to NewSchool in the Summer of 2019 and cannot be more happy with my decision. My interest and passion in Construction and the building process has only grown since beginning going to school here. I truly enjoy learning from such successful well rounded individuals who have countless years of experience in the industry and are truly passionate about the subject. I want to work on and manage projects that will be there for years to come. Just as my father would drive me back to look at projects that he had completed, I would like to have the same sense of pride and drive my friends and family, and even children someday, showing them projects that I had a helping hand on completing.

Why should women and girls pursue an education in the architecture, design, or construction management industry? Why is it important to encourage women and girls?

Women and girls should pursue an education in Construction Management because women are underrepresented in this industry and there are endless opportunities. Women can bring a new perspective to this industry and simultaneously create beautiful functional spaces that bring joy to those who use it. It is important to represent and encourage other women because this is a male-dominated industry. Empowering other women is important to help them to realize their self-worth, intelligence, and talent.

What’s something interesting you’re currently working on? Personal or academic.

Right now I am working on completing my Bachelor’s degree in Construction Management. I am mostly excited to begin my internship with Swinerton this summer. I will be working on a healthcare facility project in Coronado as a Project Engineer Intern alongside one of NewSchool’s alumni, Athena Valdovinos. I am eager to begin working with Swinerton learning from another female in this industry. I cannot wait to begin this learning experience to further my knowledge in the Construction industry and for the opportunities it may bring me as I approach graduation.

What do you think is the biggest issue today facing women of your age?

There are many challenges women and young girls face in society everyday. I think the biggest issue women of my age face today is their self-perception and body image. With social media being so popular in modern society it places unrealistic standards on women that can take a large toll on their mental health. Many of the images seen on social media are photoshopped to some extent which makes women believe a false perception of what others appear to look like as well as themselves. It is important to promote body positivity, no matter what you look like, and to put your mental health as a top priority.

What has you most excited about the future?

I am most excited to see other women flourish and succeed in this industry. I am also very excited to begin my career in Construction Management and bring a new perspective to this industry. I plan on graduating from NewSchool with a Bachelor’s of Science in Construction Management and a Minor in Interior Design in the Winter of 2022. I see my future in the Construction industry headed towards a Project Engineer role, eventually making my way up to Project Manager. I wish to obtain my CMIT, OSHA, and LEED certifications and work on green building projects in the future. I also seek to continue my education at NewSchool to receive a Master’s Degree in Construction Management.

On International Women’s Day, what is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their education?

As a first-generation college student, continuing my education at NewSchool and being able to study a subject that I am truly passionate about is an opportunity that my grandparents, nor parents got to experience. I would love to encourage other women to take the opportunity to begin or to continue their education, in Construction Management, or in any career for that matter! The first step is always the hardest, but I am positive that an education will bring many benefits and opportunities your way that may not be available otherwise.

Sequoiah Nelson

Hometown: Marin County, California

Why did you choose to study interior architecture & design?

I chose to study Interior Architecture and Design because I wanted to make an influence on people’s everyday lives. Since I was a child I have always been interested in architecture and interior design. I want to create spaces that influence the way people feel and create an experience for each person in that space.

What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?

I think that earning a bachelor’s degree from NewSchool will be a wonderful accomplishment. Not only do you learn from amazing faculty and staff but you gain so many experiences and connections from NewSchool itself.

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?

My favorite thing about NewSchool is the environment and sense of community that we have here. There is always help when you need it from faculty, staff, and fellow students.

What are your career goals after you graduate?

My career goals after I graduate are to move to Washington or the East Coast and join an interior design firm. I would also like to eventually start my own interior design business or firm.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Most people are surprised when they learn that I was born in Japan. Many people are also surprised when I tell them I’ve wanted to be in the interior architecture and design field since I was 12.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My best piece of advice for incoming students is that they should remember to take breaks, go out and do enjoyable things with their friends, and get involved with student life. There are so many fun and exciting things for students to do inside and outside of campus that can also inspire creativity around them.

Sequoiah’s Favorite Class Project

White Hart Winery | Second Year Interior Architecture & Design

Instructor: Denise Homme

The winery project was a project that ID 202 Interior Architecture and Design Studio worked on in Winter 2020. The project goal was to create a comfortable winery space for both customers and workers that fit in the desired constraints that the client gave to the designers. The White Hart Winery is located just outside of Dublin, Ireland its design infuses a traditional Irish pub house design with that of the wine grape. The winery has Irish stone tile on the floor, traditional wood furniture, as well as a green, black and white color scheme. Around the space, you can see Irish accents in the bar, wine tasting room, small shop, and in the shared bathroom. The White Hart Winey is a wonderful space to sit down with friends and family while drinking wine in traditional Irish culture.

Sarah Bogari

Hometown: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Why did you choose to study interior architecture & design?
I chose interior architecture & design to design spaces that make dreams come true. I focus on enhancing people’s well-being and increase their productivity in an interior space. As I progressed in NewSchool, I got to know more about sustainability. Therefore, I decided to enhance people’s knowledge on the matter by implementing sustainability into my interior designs.
What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?

Earning an interior architecture & design degree in NewSchool made me openminded to critiques from others, which improved my designs and knowledge.

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?
My favorite thing about NewSchool is the community. It is friendly. NewSchool instructors worked hard to inspire and develop my designs to the next level.
What are your career goals after you graduate?

My career goals are to work in an architectural firm, and hopefully, one day, I will open my interior architecture firm.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Most people do not expect that I cook, but I love to cook and try new recipes. I love to spend some time with nature.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My advice for incoming students is do not stop in your first bump, keep going, and work hard for sure you will vision your accomplishments.  You are also building your knowledge and experience. Therefore, you need to believe in yourself much more than following opinions or suggestions from inexperienced individuals.

Why should a prospective student choose NewSchool?
NewSchool instructors will inspire their students and get the best out of them.  NewSchool has an exciting campus life and environment that makes its students feel connected and productive.

Ryan Owens

Hometown: Albemarle, North Carolina

In which branch of the military did you serve?

United States Navy

Years of military service

5 years

How do you apply your military experience to your education?

Time management.

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?
My cohort.
What are your career goals after you graduate?

Not having a job, but a career.

How has your experience in the military and in college prepared you for your future?

Confidence, knowing I’m well trained and ready for anything.

What would you like people to know about the life of a student veteran?

It’s very different, but a new path willing to take on new obstacles.

What advice would you give to veterans who are thinking about pursuing a college education?

Just do it.

Ryan’s Favorite Class Project
Inhabiting the Space Frame: Downtown TJ
Graduate Architecture Project
Instructor: Blas Herrera

Robert Hollis

Hometown: Rocklin, California

Why did you choose to study architecture?
At a young age, I enjoyed art, innovation, and helping people. Architecture is a field where you can do all three of those things. As I got older, I began to see endless opportunities in architecture to improve the way we live and interact in nature and the built environment.
What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?

NewSchool is a well-known university in the Southern California region and is located in one of the largest design hubs on the West Coast. The school is active in its community and abroad creating endless opportunities for graduating students.

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?
Having studios projects that put you in direct connection to practicing professionals, stakeholders, and community members. Getting real-world experience early on is fun, challenging, and essential to learning.
What are your career goals after you graduate?

My career goals are to become a licensed architect and eventually own my own firm. My goal as an architect is to design buildings that work with the environment to combat climate change and sick building syndrome.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I never thought that I had what it takes to become an architect. As I was planning to enroll in a film school, I went with my gut feeling and took a last-minute leap of faith.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Find a job working at an architecture firm right away, even if you do not have any experience. Working in the field is a lot different than you would expect and will benefit you greatly in the long run.

Why should a prospective student choose NewSchool?
I came to NewSchool because of its location and its focus on architecture and construction management. It seems like there is an architecture firm on every corner and they all want to hire NewSchool students. I found an amazing job right away that is two blocks away from the campus and twelve blocks away from the water.

Robert’s Favorite Class Project
Water Purification Park | Fourth Year Undergraduate Architecture
Project By: Robert Hollis, Colin McGregor (4th Year Architecture) & Sarah Bogari (3rd Year Interior Architecture & Design)
Instructor: Daniela Deutsch
This was a re-design of Mission Bay’s De Anza Cove Park. It includes a wetlands research & education center, water purification plant, temporary housing, parks, and plazas for visitors. The internal goal was to design a building that enhances the natural environment by cleaning water run-off that enters Mission Bay and reducing c02 emissions. The water purification plant is a key feature of the overall park design and is integrated into the research facility. Click here to check out their final board.

Natacha da Silva Lucchesi Milner

Hometown: Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Why did you choose to study product design?
I have always admired well-crafted, thoughtfully inspired products. I want to eventually design my own lines of furniture, outdoor equipment, and pet products.
What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?

The NewSchool community and learning environment. The peers and professors that I learn with.

What has been your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?
Meeting so many talented, creative, and inspiring individuals from around the world. The exposure to different cultures and different thinking is extremely rewarding as an aspiring designer.
What are your career goals after you graduate?

I’d like to work from home and run my own line of products.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I was previously studying law in Brazil before deciding to pursue a degree in Product Design.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Take the time to get to know your professors and classmates. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Stay after class if needed. Go out of your comfort zone.

Why should a prospective student choose NewSchool?
It’s a small university and your professors know who you are. They are invested in you and care about seeing you succeed.

Nasser Alajmi

Hometown: Saudi Arabia

What makes NewSchool special?

The school is unique for its knowledgeable instructors and its dynamic programs. Also, the library has an extraordinary collection of books. Furthermore, the creative energy at NewSchool is high due to the inspirational studio environment.

What has been your favorite class? Why?

For me, the studio classes are my favorite classes. In part, this is because I can see the problems from another perspective to solve them, and in doing so, I am using architecture to do it.

What has been your favorite project?

I would personally have to say that the intra-dynamic elementary school that I have designed for my thesis year. The school is a place where the minds of the children are able to grow in a creative sense.

Where is your favorite spot on campus?

The public area that is next to the print center because I can meet friends during break time.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

My plan is to begin interning so that I can develop my knowledge and further it while working in the office atmosphere. Just like I have done in school, being able to work on different projects really helps develop the style as an architect and furthers the knowledge.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I was invited by the Saudi Royal Embassy in Washington, D.C. to present my patterned designed invention to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.S., Her Royal Highness Princess Reema Al Saud. I was also the Lead Designer for the NHAB competition 2019. The team and I were first introduced at NewSchool for the NHAB competition. Finally, I’m an oil painter and my most recent commission was a painting for Sir Rod Stewart.

Tell us more about the project you presented to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia!

For many decades, travelers have waited a long time between flights, usually because of some technical issues or layovers. Sleeping or waiting in the waiting area seats or even grabbing some floor space cannot be the only options passengers are left with. The airports are in the process of making some better and comfortable places for travelers to rest that will benefit both the travelers and profits to the airport as well.  The Sleeport is an invention that highlight’s the problem areas, which altogether generated the need for sleeping space in an airport. The future of this relaxing accommodation named Sleeport tens to accommodate tired passengers while also provides adequate levels of privacy and safety using advanced technology.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My advice to incoming students is to embrace the architectural culture and to keep an open mind to grow. My last advice to enjoy studio.
