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NewSchool of Architecture & Design

SPRING $1,000 Early Admission Scholarship Deadline on March. 1, 2025

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

NewSchool of Architecture & Design (NewSchool) respects and understands the importance of privacy and security for our online customers. Any information collected is used only by NewSchool and its affiliates to contact consumers for marketing and operational purposes. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers or email addresses online may receive telephone or email contact from us with information regarding special promotions, new products, and services, or upcoming events about NewSchool and its affiliates. NewSchool and its affiliates will not release, sell, rent, or trade that personal information to any third party. Please note that telephone calls to and from NewSchool are monitored for quality assurance and training purposes.

NewSchool does not collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit our website. However, NewSchool does collect anonymous, non–personally identifiable information about how you use our website and your interest in our products and services. We collect this anonymous information through first-party pixel tags together with third-party pixel tags, which are small graphic images that allow us to monitor the use of our website, to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on someone’s past visits to our website. This anonymous information is used to deliver banner advertisements to you about our products and services as you browse the Internet through third-party vendors including Google. We use Remarketing with Google Analytics to advertise online. You can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager. If you do not wish NewSchool to collect this anonymous information, you may opt-out by clicking here. Opting out will not affect your use of the NewSchool website.

Politica de Privacidad

NewSchool of Architecture & Design (NewSchool) respeta y entiende la importancia de la privacidad y seguridad de nuestros clientes en línea. Toda información recopilada es utilizada únicamente por NewSchool y sus afiliados para contactarse con consumidores con propósitos operacionales y de mercadeo. Personas, quienes a través del Internet, nos provean de sus teléfonos y direcciones de correo electrónico podrán recibir llamadas telefónicas o correos electrónicos nuestros, con información referente a promociones especiales, nuevos productos o servicios, o futuros eventos acerca de NewSchool y sus afiliados. NewSchool y sus afiliados no divulgarán, venderán, alquilarán o mercadearán esa información personal a terceros. Por favor tome en cuenta que las llamadas telefónicas hacia y desde NewSchool sonmonitoreadas para propósitos de calidad de servicio y de capacitación de personal.

NewSchool no recolecta información suya identificada como personal cuando visita nuestro sitio de Internet. Sin embargo, NewSchool sí recopila información anónima, libre de ser identificable como proveniente de un individuo en particular, sobre sus hábitos de uso de nuestro sitio en Internet y sobre su interés en nuestros productos y servicios. Recopilamos esta información anónima a través de anuncios, los cuales son pequeñas imágenes graficas que nos permiten monitorear el uso de nuestro sitio en Internet. Esta información anónima es utilizada para el envío subsiguiente de anuncios electrónicos acerca de nuestros productos y servicios mientras usted usa el Internet.

Do-Not-Call Policy

Telephone communications provide valuable opportunities for students and prospective students to consult with our enrollment specialists regarding products and services offered by NewSchool and its affiliates. NewSchool and its affiliates have adopted and adhere to the policies described below to comply with Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) telemarketing regulations and applicable state laws. As used in this document, “telemarketing” means a plan, program, or campaign conducted to induce the purchase of goods or services by use of a telephone.

Policy Overview

NewSchool contacts only individuals that have provided their prior express consent to be called or with whom NewSchool has an established business relationship. NewSchool does not make “cold calls” to consumers for telemarketing purposes.

NewSchool maintains comprehensive written procedures for its employees who interact with students and prospective students by telephone. NewSchool employees are trained to use these procedures and record the do-not-call requests of consumers who no longer wish to receive telephone solicitation calls from NewSchool. NewSchool takes appropriate administrative actions against employees who violate company policy. NewSchool also requires any third parties that assist with NewSchool’s calling campaigns to follow company policy and applicable laws.

Do-Not-Call Requests

NewSchool and its affiliates maintain internal do-not-call (DNC) lists that include specific requests from consumers who do not wish to be called. NewSchool or an affiliate will purge from its calling list, upon request, any names and/or numbers on its institution-specific DNC list. Please note that a DNC request made to one institution may not constitute a DNC request for all other institutions, so individual DNC requests may be required for each institution.

Any consumer can prohibit NewSchool from calling by asking to be put on NewSchool’s DNC list. A consumer’s do-not-call request will be recorded in our database within the legally mandated time frames. Federal regulations require NewSchool to honor DNC requests within 30 days. DNC requests may be placed by sending an electronic mail notification Please include your full name, address, and telephone number to ensure proper recording of your request.

Email Policy

NewSchool and its affiliates believe that email is an effective tool for communicating with students and prospective students. We require that you provide your email address to us to receive information about our schools and programs. When you provide your email address to us, we will be able to interact with you in a way that is simple, convenient, and secure.

NewSchool and its affiliates collect email addresses from online information request forms, returned business reply cards, application forms, and other sources. We use this information to contact students and prospective students about our schools and programs and for promotional purposes strictly related to the products and services of NewSchool and its affiliates. We will never disguise the origin of our messages. When you receive messages from NewSchool, you will be able to identify NewSchool as the sender.

Each promotional message that we send will contain either a functioning email address or Internet-based mechanism that you can use to opt-out of receiving future promotional messages from NewSchool or the NewSchool affiliate from which the email came. In addition, you may submit an opt-out request by contacting and providing the email address that you would like to remove from our marketing database. Please include your full name, address and telephone number to ensure proper recording of your request. We will process your opt-out request within 10 business days. If you would like to resume receiving promotional messages from us or our affiliates after you have made an opt-out request, you must provide us with your express consent to receive such messages. Please note that an opt-out request made to one institution may not constitute an opt-out request for all other institutions, so individual opt-out requests may be required for each affiliate.

At no time will we sell, share, or rent any email address that we have collected with third parties. We do not authorize the harvesting, mining or collection of email addresses or other information from or through our sites by third parties. For this reason, we will never publicly display your email address on our website or make it available through any other electronic means, except that student email addresses may be included in student directories.

Trademarks, Copyright, and Disclaimers

Website Link Policy and Disclaimer

NewSchool and its affiliates are not responsible for the content of any third-party-linked site that is not owned by NewSchool or NewSchool’s affiliates, or for any other links contained in such third-party sites. NewSchool provides links to you for your convenience only, and the inclusion of any link to a site not owned by NewSchool or its affiliates is not an endorsement by NewSchool or NewSchool’s affiliates of the site or its contents. NewSchool assumes no responsibility for any other party’s site hyperlinked to the NewSchool Web site or in which any part of the NewSchool website has been hyperlinked.


NewSchool of Architecture & Design and their respective logos and slogans are trademarks of NewSchool of Architecture & Design. Elements of this website are protected by trade dress and other laws, and this website and its contents may not be copied or imitated in any way without the express written consent of NewSchool of Architecture & Design.

Warranty and Other Disclaimers

The materials and information you find on the NewSchool of Architecture & Design website are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, any warranty for information, services, or products provided through or in connection with the NewSchool of Architecture & Design website and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, expectation of privacy, or non-infringement. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action. You specifically acknowledge that NewSchool and its affiliates are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, infringing or illegal materials or conduct, or that of third parties contained on the NewSchool of Architecture & Design website, and NewSchool reserves the right to remove such materials from the NewSchool of Architecture & Design website without liability.

Copyright Statement

© 2020-2023 NewSchool of Architecture & Design, LLC. All rights reserved. The contents of the NewSchool of Architecture & Design website pages, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, and icons, are copyrighted materials owned or controlled by NewSchool and NewSchool’s affiliates and contain NewSchool ’s name, trademarks, service marks, and trade names. You may download one copy of these materials on any single computer and print a copy of the materials for your use in learning about, evaluating, or acquiring NewSchool services or products. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify these materials.

Copyrighted Materials and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

NewSchool respects intellectual property rights, including rights in the copyrighted materials of the institution, its students, faculty, and third parties. NewSchool has implemented a comprehensive policy to help protect those rights and to comply with United States Copyright Law and the U.S. Higher Education Act’s peer-to-peer file sharing provisions. Strict compliance with NewSchool’s policies is required of all NewSchool students and employees. NewSchool’s policies are reviewed annually to determine their effectiveness.

Copyright Law

Under U.S. Copyright Law (, the author of a creative work automatically owns the copyright in that work upon its creation. No formal registration is required; ownership is immediate. The author can transfer ownership of a copyright to another so the copyright owner may not be the original author of the work. Creative works include songs, stories, poems, paintings, photographs, or other works that contain a creative element. Ownership of the copyright gives the owner exclusive rights in that work such as the right to display, reproduce, transmit, create derivative works from, publicly perform, distribute, and license the creative work. This means that, absent permission from the creator, you may not take the creative work owned by another and exercise these rights. Such a violation is called “infringement” of the owner’s copyright. For example, if you legally purchase a music CD, you may not create copies of the music on that CD and distribute those copies to others over the Internet. Helping others to violate the owner’s copyright by making it easy for them to distribute such materials may also be illegal. 

Actions and Penalties for Copyright Infringement

Under U.S. Copyright Law, a copyright owner who has been the victim of copyright infringement is entitled to recover actual damages and profits from the infringer or statutory damages of up to $30,000 per violation. The copyright owner has the right to permanently enjoin the infringer from further infringing activities.

NewSchool, recognizing and respecting intellectual property rights, requires its employees, instructors, students, and other community members to use copyrighted materials in a lawful manner. NewSchool’s Code of Conduct, as found in the NewSchool’s Student Handbook, presents NewSchool’s copyright policy. Copyright infringement can result in applicants being rejected for admission and enrolled students and employees being dismissed.

Additionally, NewSchool maintains a vigorous program of accepting and responding to Digital Millennium Copyright ACT (DMCA) notices, which are immediately escalated to NewSchool’s legal team for investigation and action. If the materials in question are determined by the legal department to be infringing, the Information Technology department is notified and action is taken that can include either the removal of the infringing materials from NewSchool’s network or the blocking of the infringer’s network access. The infringer is notified and reminded of NewSchool’s Code of Conduct. Repeated violations can result in dismissal.

Legal Sources of Content

Students and employees are reminded that many legal sources of content are available at
