Bachelor of Arts Architecture: 9 out of 10 placed = 90 %
IPAL_4+2: 2 out of 2 placed = 100 %
IPAL_4+3: 4 out of 4 placed = 100 %
Bachelor of Arts Product Design: 2 out of 3 placed = 66.67 %
Bachelor of Science Construction Management: 4 out of 5 placed = 80 %
Bachelor of Science Graphic Design & Interactive Media: 6 out of 6 placed = 100 %
Master of Architecture_4+2: 3 out of 4 placed = 75 %
Master of Architecure_4+3: 7 out of 7 placed = 100 %
Master of Architectural Studies: 4 out of 4 placed = 100 %
Master of Construction Management: 10 out of 11 placed = 90.91 %
Bachelor of Architecture: 44 out of 55 placed = 80 %
*“Graduates available for employment” indicates the number of graduates minus the number of graduates unavailable for employment. “Graduates unavailable for employment” means graduates who, after graduation, die, become incarcerated, are called to active military duty, are international students that leave the United States or do not have a visa allowing employment in the United States, or are continuing their education in an accredited or bureau-approved postsecondary institution.
**Placement Rate is calculated by dividing the number of graduates gainfully employed by the number of graduates available for employment.