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Assessment Cycle

At NewSchool Assessment is a cyclical or continuous process that can be described in 5 stages.

  • The first step in the assessment cycle is to establish learning outcomes.
  • Once the outcomes are determined, a plan must be established to determine what learning outcomes will be assessed and when they will be assessed (see below for sample of NewSchool’s 3-Year Assessment Plans).
  • The next step in the cycle is teaching, or provide learning opportunities (e.g. assignments, projects, lectures, readings).
  • Once teaching has occurred, assessment of student learning occurs, this is the fourth step.
  • The final step in the process is to close the loop and ensure that the results from the assessment of student learning is being used to make programmatic, curricular, or co-curricular changes

Each step in the cycle is detailed NewSchool’s Assessment Handbook.


3-Year Assessment Plan Template

Sample 3-Year Assessment Plan

Assessment Results

Writing Initiative Case Study

Written by Allison Riley,
Director, The Center for Academic & Student Success

Information Literacy Case Study

Written by Lucy Campbell

Meeting of the Math Minds Case Study

Written by Bruce Matthes
Director of Integrative Studies
