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Scenic Delta – Research and Education Center

Scenic Delta – Research and Education Center

Project By:

Wing Man Chan, Bachelor of Architecture ’21
Michelle Ortiz, Bachelor of Architecture ’21
McKenna Leventhal, Bachelor of Interior Architecture & Design ’21

Project Description

This project aims at redeveloping the North Mission Bay area, for both marsh restoration and community engagement. The marsh is currently isolated from the community. It is important to provide a chance to connect human and nature to raise awareness and understanding of the marsh. For the marsh to recover, the current approach aims at containing the marsh, returning the natural habitat at the same time giving people the freedom for different types of activities. Although human activities and comfort are essential, a place of nature in the city should be ensured. We are proposing a UCSD Research and Education Center to continue preserving the Marsh and also teaching the community of its importance to our environment.

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