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Kasie Varela-Murdock

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November 14, 2023

Kasie Varela-Murdock

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Why did you pick your major and what do you want to do with your degree?

I have been in graphic design classes since I was a sophomore in high school, 6 years ago now, so it was an easy choice for me. I’m not entirely sure where I’ll end up with my degree, but I would love to be an in-house designer for a company that has sustainable practices.

What makes NewSchool special?

NewSchool is special because here you are getting hands-on experience through projects and being taught by teachers who are actually in the industry.

What was your favorite class at NewSchool and why?

My favorite class has been Typography II because I have always loved playing with fonts and in this class we learned how to make our own font and be creative with it.

What was your favorite project?

My favorite project has been the band project we did for Graphic Design for Print. It included a band poster, record cover, record sleeve, and vinyl design. I liked it because it combined branding, packaging, and typography all in one.

What is your favorite memory at NewSchool?

The best memory I have here is finals week for my first quarter. It was the most stressed and busy I had ever been, but the satisfaction of getting everything done was the best feeling.

Where is your favorite spot on campus and why?

Where you’ll find me in between classes is the student lounge. It’s such a great place to do homework and catch up with friends.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I don’t know what my plan for after graduation is yet, hopefully it includes finding a great job.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

Most people don’t know that, even though I am a full-time student and have a part-time job, I spend the majority of my time cuddling with my two dogs.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My advice for new students would be to not be nervous. Coming to a new school is always a bit intimidating, but everyone here, the staff, teachers, and current students, are all so welcoming. Also, to have fun in all your classes while still working hard.


Lauren Nuessner
