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Ashley Persad

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November 14, 2023

Ashley Persad

Hometown: Tampa, FL

Why did you pick your major and what do you want to do with your degree?

I wanted to do architecture from a little girl – it has always been a passion of mine. Growing up working with my dad on his construction sites inspired me to want to design and create beautiful things and I enjoyed the challenge of putting things together. With this degree, I would like to truly make a difference in creating better spaces and buildings for the future generations as well as help promote female architects in the industry.

What makes NewSchool special?

NewSchool being such a small school creates a family-like environment getting to know your classmates while creating long lasting bonds.

What was your favorite class at NewSchool and why?

My favorite class at NewSchool was actually not on NewSchool campus but offered by NewSchool. It was a study abroad Studio in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It was the best experience ever! The three week program abroad gave me knowledge and experience in a variety of ways – learning a different culture, experiencing old architectural techniques, and developing solutions for a project that directly affected the community gave valuable lessons that were learned through this opportunity.

What was your favorite project?

One – My personal favorite project was a Climate Action Competition that was initiated by Joe Kennedy at Newschool. It was a very challenging project in which core lessons were learned by developing new ideas and team collaboration through what we have learned in school as well as reaching out to other resources to create better solutions for the future in which my group’s project won 3rd place. Two – 4th year studio, the two quarter long project of developing a city block of a proposed National City Downtown while challenging, has been very beneficial in learning real life project, situations, restrictions, collaborations, and process of a new development of building and city planning.

What is your favorite memory at NewSchool?

Favorite memory is joining the fraternity, Alpha Rho Chi. It has been a great experience being a part of a family of brothers that you will have in school as well as after you graduate.

Where is your favorite spot on campus and why?

My studio desk would be my favorite spot. In working on getting my architecture degree a lot of hours are spent designing, so most of my friends and classmates are there always working on either studio or other assignments so its the most convenient spot for us to talk, hang out, eat, etc. while we get work done.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I would like to continue on the path to acquiring my license as an architect, so I will be working and collecting my internship hours as well as studying to take the exams.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I am originally from a small island in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago, and I served six and a half years in the United States Navy.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

This is the first step in creating a better future for yourself and it won’t be easy getting your degree so work hard for your passion, be confident in the work you do, believe in yourself, and don’t give up, it will all pay off in the end, and remember that small accomplishments still count as a victory!
