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NewSchool Graduates Tackle Urban Issues

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Published on:

June 24, 2015


NewSchool Graduates Tackle Urban Issues

The San Diego Union-Tribune attended and covered this year’s commencement activities and Graduate Show, featuring four graduates from the class of 2015 and their projects—which tackled issues relevant to San Diego.

Media Contact:
Lauren McDaniel
NewSchool of Architecture & Design

NewSchool students are entering the architectural workforce with not only strong design and computer skills, but also a plan for solving urban problems.

Bethany DeWitt’s project, California Theater Revitalization, encompasses the importance of preservation as a means to protect the history and culture of the city; Tyler Starow addresses current conditions that limit public interaction with the bay along the urban/water edge; Spaces Between Buildings is Nour Kassam’s plan that would narrow the driving lanes, create angled parking spaces, widen walkways and include balconies and other places where residents and workers encounter one another; and Christian Menna’s Imprint reflects on an alteration occurring in a generation spending so much of their lives on the Internet.

To read the full article, please visit the San Diego Union-Tribune website at:
