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Design Your Own Future

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April 30, 2014


Design Your Own Future

Got a great idea for a game or animation feature? A series of free wallpaper design workshops in May and June sponsored by the Media Design School of Digital Arts at NewSchool (a part of NewSchool of Architecture & Design), will introduce you to the concepts that can take your great idea to the next level. Workshops are available for Game Design, Maya Animation, Beginning Unity 3D Level Design and for Open Drawing Sessions. Taken together, they provide a comprehensive introductory overview of study and career opportunities in digital arts fields, which are dynamic and growing. A Game Jam session on Saturday, June 8, includes the chance to create games within a one-day period and ends with a movie screening of Indie Game: The Movie.

Where: All events take place at the historic Wonderbread Building in downtown San Diego’s East Village section: 121 14th St. San Diego, Calif.

How: To see a full list of workshops, please visit our Eventbrite page and pre-register at:

Brief Workshop Descriptions

Game Design: Learn all about game design while you learn to create your own tabletop games. Go from prototype to playtest as you begin to understand the importance of game mechanics, game balance and game theory. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. May 13, May 27 and June 10.

Maya Animation: Get introduced to one of the most comprehensive 3D software packages used for creating high-end animation and visual effects for films, television commercials and games. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. May 8 and May 22.

Beginning Unity 3D Level Design: Become familiar with the powerful Unity3D game engine, used to create games on all major systems and devices. Students are introduced to the Unity user interface and create a simple game level from scratch. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. May 14, May 28 and June 11.

Open Drawing Sessions: Open drawing sessions, with a costumed model. Bring your favorite medium. Free to students with ID, $5.00 model fee for general community. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. May 21 and June 18.

Game Jam Saturday: Get together and create games in one day! Learn about the game industry, meet industry guests and have fun planning, designing, and creating games in eight hours. June 28, all day.

Read about what it’s like to take the Game Design session.

About Us

The Media Design School of Digital Arts at NewSchool is a collaboration with the award-winning Media Design School in New Zealand that has resulted in new programs being offered by San Diego’s NewSchool of Architecture & Design in animation, game art and game development. Learn more about what this collaboration means from this formal announcement of current and new digital arts programs.
