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Project Description

NewSchool product design students worked with SoundUnited, a group that creates top quality audio equipment, to develop a new product line. SoundUnited challenged our students to envision products that would serve “the future of sound.” The purpose was not only to design a beautiful piece of audio equipment but also to potentially challenge how we currently use sound equipment. Students visited a sound research lab and had multiple conversations with the SoundUnited team to identify themes to explore.

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Project Description

Swenyo, a lifestyle brand designing products for young adults, challenged our product design students to create storage solutions for college students. With the limitations of dorm-living in mind, students were asked to explore three typologies: large wall storage, small wall storage, and desk storage. The students conducted research online and interviewed students from two different campuses to determine a theme to pursue for their final projects.

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Project Description

VisualSpeakers, a 2016 IDEA Featured Finalist designed by product design student Marcelo Kertesz, is a wireless speaker system with an integrated projector dedicated to images that complement the music experience. With a “Dome Mode,” where images are projected into the VisualSpeakers integrated 12-inch dome, and a “Party Mode,” where images are projected in the ambient (ceiling, furniture, and walls), VisualSpeakers provide different kinds of images to enhance your sound experience.

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