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NewSchool of Architecture & Design

SUMMER $1,500 Early Admission Scholarship Deadline on April 1, 2025

Craig Howard

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November 1, 2023

Craig Howard

Designer, DBRDS (De Bartolo Rimanic Design Studio)

After receiving his B.Arch from NewSchool, Craig has become an important voice in the San Diego architecture community. Craig is a Designer at DBRDS and previously served as the Vice President of the Board for the San Diego Architectural Foundation, San Diego’s biggest community outlet for architecture and design.

Craig is also heavily involved with the annual Orchids & Onions event during Archtober Fest which celebrates the best and the worst architectural contributions to the San Diego built environment. Along with an impressive resume including work with Cyrus Cowasjee Architects, Studio 1 Architects, and DBRDS, Craig also acts as a mentor for current NewSchool students through the NewSchool Alumni Mentorship Program.


David Perez
