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NewSchool of Architecture & Design

SPRING $1,000 Early Admission Scholarship Deadline on March 1, 2025

From the Desk of Gregory J. Marick

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Published on:

July 21, 2014


From the Desk of Gregory J. Marick

July 31, 2014: From the Desk of Gregory J. Marick

NewSchool of Architecture & Design has launched a nationwide search for a new provost. We have adopted an inclusive search process that ensures input from key constituencies including representatives from faculty, staff, and the student body. We are pleased to report that a number of impressive candidates have been identified, signaling our readiness to begin the next phase of the process.

In the coming weeks, members of the Search and Screening Committees will convene to interview candidates in advance of campus interviews with faculty, staff, student government, and others. Through this process, we expect to welcome in Fall 2014 a new academic leader who embraces our commitment to providing world-class architecture program offerings and broadening our reach to become a leading international architecture and design university.

Best regards,

Gregory J. Marick, President
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
