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NewSchool of Architecture & Design

DesignMind: Connecting Humility and Mastery for Our Students

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December 6, 2016


DesignMind: Connecting Humility and Mastery for Our Students

In November, we were incredibly fortunate to continue bringing to campus world-class lecturers who are architecture masters and, despite their success, masters of humility. You can see it in their world-renowned work, and in the time and advice they shared with students in campus-only sessions. Perhaps because they are so good at what they do, they know how difficult it is to do great things, and they are humbled by the process.

Rick Joy’s work is most associated with the American Southwest. His firm in Tucson, Arizona, has completed exceptional desert resorts and residences that almost disappear into the landscape rather than standing out in the starkness. They are a demonstration of the deep humility he has for the context of his architecture.

Stephen Emmitt is an exceptional educator, and head of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, UK. His lecture spoke to the creativity in the process of bringing architecture to life through construction management—especially when there is a focus on the importance of people and what they bring to the table from their different vantage points.

It truly is a wonderful perk of the NewSchool community to interact with these speakers. Our goal with the lecture series and seminar sessions is to bring our students into contact with very accomplished people who know it is not about ego; it is about empathy and bringing talents to the table to make places for people to live and work and worship that are beautiful and human-centered.
