Hometown: Temecula, California
Why did you choose to study product design?
I’ve always been fascinated with the ability to create things out of thin air. When I found out that I could have a career literally drawing each day and making cool things, I knew this was the field for me.
What makes earning a degree at NewSchool special?
More than anything, the relationships and connections to professionals that I received through my program have helped me get to where I am today.
What was your favorite thing about attending NewSchool?
I enjoyed the willingness of all faculty to work side by side with us to help accomplish our goals. It’s also not too bad living and going to school in Downtown San Diego!
What have you been doing since you graduated?
Since I graduated, I’ve been working at SC Design Co. in Carlsbad, CA as a full-time Industrial and Graphic Designer. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to design really neat and innovative products for all types of industries. I feel like I don’t actually work, I just have fun every day doing what I love.
What projects are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on everything from Golf Clubs to Medical Devices to Consumer electronics to Action Sports equipment. I’m always learning about new industries because of the wide range of clients we design for.
What has been your biggest career accomplishment?
Besides designing a bunch of cool products that are almost ready for launch, I think the thing that sticks out most about my career so far is having students and others come to me for advice in design. I didn’t think that I would be the one teaching and helping others this soon in my career, but it’s a really cool feeling to know there are people who want to learn and connect with me over design.
What advice do you have for incoming students?
Meet anyone and everyone. Be friendly and willing to learn from others. You never know when a past relationship will turn into a business opportunity. Be ambitious while you’re in school because that is the best possible time to shoot for the stars and learn from your mistakes if you come up a little short.
Why should a prospective student choose NewSchool?
NewSchool provides incredible opportunities to meet professionals in the field. Talent can only get someone so far and I would not be where I am today if I didn’t make connections throughout my NewSchool experience.
Chad’s Favorite Class Project
Diverge Electric Sportfishing | Undergraduate Product Design Senior Thesis Project
Description: After learning about the devastating oil pollution in our oceans from recreational saltwater boats, I decided to tackle designing a fully electric Sportfishing boat. This vessel was designed to provide efficient, clean transportation for sport fishermen, while embodying a contemporary and streamlined design language, giving offshore enthusiasts a pragmatic and enjoyable experience.